Tuesday, April 27, 2010

+ The Spotlight +
Christ Lutheran Church - Elkhart, KS
Faith Lutheran Church – Hugoton, KS
From the Pastor's Desk:
It's needed to be done for a while, but it was in discussion with the Voters at Faith this month that I decided that good communication demanded it—the return of the church newsletter. Regular newsletters dropped off after May 2004 because of Pastor Lucas' deployment to Iraq. When I arrived as pastor in June of 2006, there were enough demands for my attention that my attempt at reviving this means of communication was short-lived.
Looking back into the church files at Christ, Elkhart I find a newsletter entitled “The Spotlight” published from 1965 to 2004. Sometimes it has been longer, sometimes shorter. It has contained all sorts of news from the community, from the world, and from different agencies of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. You might find some of those things here from time to time, but the primary purpose of a church newsletter is to keep you informed about what's going on at church.
We live now, more than ever, in an age in which the problem is not too little information, but too much. It is my hope to keep it simple, keep it direct, and keep all of us informed about upcoming events and opportunities for spiritual growth.
Usually this “From the Pastor's Desk” column will be dedicated to spiritual meditations and my thoughts as the pastor on our life as a family of faith. There is much to be said on many subjects that do not fit as part of a Sunday sermon. This is as good a place as any for me to say them.
The success of this effort, in large part, rests on you as leaders and members of Christ, Elkhart and Faith, Hugoton. I can only publish information I have, so if there is something that urgently needs to be published, please make sure it gets to me in timely fashion.
It is my hope to have this newsletter in your hands and homes before the first of each month.
Continued blessings on your Easter Season!

May Birthdays
5/04 Bianca Bultman
5/14 Lance Addington
5/15 RĂ©gan Nave
5/18 Shaun Bowker
5/20 Marshall Kepley
5/20 Pamela Hickey
5/21 Natalie Dobie
5/22 Rena Brewer
5/26 Kelsie Pomeroy
5/27 Cheryl Brune
5/28 Susan Hickey
5/29 Betty Bultman
5/29 Jody Wiggins
5/30 Jasper Lackey

May Anniversaries
5/02 Larry & Pamela Hickey
5/20 Marshall & Roberta Kepley
5/22 Ray & Donna Reed
5/28 Milton & Cheryl Brune
5/31 Nicholas & Lori Rodriquez

Schedule of Events
Divine Service – Sunday 9 am.
Faith Sunday School – Sundays, 10:15 am.
Faith Midweek Confirmation Class – Wed, 5:30 pm.
Midweek Bible Study – TBA

Divine Service – Sunday 11 am.
Christ Confirmation Class – Sundays at 4:00 pm.
Christ Lutheran Clothing Bank – open as announced.

May Volunteers
Check the schedule in the Narthex!

Faith, Hugoton

New Address for Faith Lutheran Church. Since a number of things have been lost out of the mailbox in front of the church, the voters decided to get a post office box. The church's mailing address is now PO Box 641.

The Volunteer Schedule at Faith is still fairly empty! If you would like to serve the body of Christ in one of these practical ways, please sign up on the board in the narthex. If you are signed up but will not be at church on a given Sunday, please find a replacement.

The Next Voters' Meeting at Faith has been scheduled for June 6. It was mentioned that this meeting can probably be held briefly after service at our regular time.

A Work Day at Faith has been scheduled for June 12. Meet at the church at about 10 am, burgers will be grilled for lunch around noon. There are a number of jobs on the list in the narthex—if you know of others, please write them on the list so that they can be dealt with when the day arrives!

Mission Giving Opportunity
The Kurt Marquart Fund for Theological Education in Haiti operates with an all-volunteer staff for the purpose of providing funds for the training of pastors for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti. Before the earthquake in early 2010, the ELCH had 102 congregations with more than 20,000 members, all of them served by seven ordained pastors—14 congregations per pastor!
Donations to the fund are a gift that keeps on giving—the fund itself remains intact, while its earnings are distributed every year to provide for ongoing training of men for the pastoral office, who will continue to serve the people of Haiti. In the wake of the earthquake, much of the work being done has been of a more humanitarian nature, but this too is part of the mission of the Church.

Christ, Elkhart

May is a month of getting things done around Christ, Elkhart. There is a list in the narthex. If you know something that needs to be done around the church building, feel free to write it down. If you have time and the ability to help us accomplish something on the list, feel free to do so whenever you have the time.

The Pastor's Study in Elkhart has been graced with the installation of a Mitsubishi Electric “Mr. Slim” Split-Type Air Conditioner. Come on in and have a look!

Upcoming Events

June 19 Kansas District Delegates to Synodical Convention in Houston, pre-convention meeting.
June 20 Circuit Forum at 3 pm in Garden City. Delegates to Synodical Convention will be present for discussion on business that will be taken up by the Convention. This is your opportunity to make yourself heard!
July 10 – 17 LCMS Convention, Houston, TX
July 25 Oklahoma Panhandle camp starts at Knowles Lake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Church Worship Time Changed for April 18, 2010

Please remember - Christ Lutheran Church will have service Sunday April 18, 2010 at 9:00 followed by Sunday School at 10:00. This will be for one Sunday only. We will return to our 10:00 Sunday School and 11:00 Worship Service April 25.