From the Pastor's Desk:
I have had a wonderful vacation—unfortunately,
vacation means not working, so while I have plenty of
thoughts concerning the life of our parish, they have
not been written down. It is the first of the month,
the newsletter is overdue, so I must forbear. God's
peace be with you as school starts again and as you
continue that day to day struggle which is the
Christian life!
I have had a wonderful vacation—unfortunately,
vacation means not working, so while I have plenty of
thoughts concerning the life of our parish, they have
not been written down. It is the first of the month,
the newsletter is overdue, so I must forbear. God's
peace be with you as school starts again and as you
continue that day to day struggle which is the
Christian life!
September Birthdays
9/03 Hannah Rodriquez
9/05 Ray Reed
9/15 Bob Johnson
9/16 Carolyn Langley
9/23 Chance Yoder
9/24 Mica Nave
9/24 Ruby Reed
September Anniversaries
9/01 Tim & Tammy Hardy
9/07 Walter & Taren
September Baptisms
9/25 Colton Hardy
9/25 Tammy Hardy
Schedule of Events
Divine Service – Sunday 9 am.
Faith Sunday School – Will resume with the new
school year.
Faith Midweek Confirmation 1 Class – Wed., 4:15
Faith Confirmation 2 Class – TBA
Faith Midweek Acts Class – Wed., 6:45
September Volunteers at Faith:
Elder – Greg. Usher – Josh. Altar – Anna. Acolyte –
Kaitlyn. Cleaning – Dobies. Mowing and Watering –
Christ, Elkhart
Divine Service – Sunday 11 am.
Christ Confirmation Class – 4:00 pm Sundays.
Clothing Bank – 9:00 am – noon Saturday
Faith, Hugoton
Voters Meeting September 12. Service times will
remain unchanged, but our November meeting will
require a change in service times.
Mission Giving Possibilities. At our next meeting,
we will be dealing with the issue of our mission funds
for the coming year. Last year the voters decided to
direct the funds to an area in which they would be
applied more specifically. The pastor is
recommending that we direct our mission giving for
the year to the Kurt Marquart Fund for Theological
Education in Haiti. The advantage to this giving is
that gifts become a part of the fund which will remain
untouched, but the interest is applied to assist those
studying for the ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Haiti, especially during this time of
reconstruction following the earthquake. For those
who have Internet access and are interested in
reading more:
Christ, Elkhart
Clothing Bank Donations can be made any time by
bringing donations to the Christ Lutheran Church.
The pastor is opening the Clothing Bank every
Saturday during the month of September on a trial
basis, in hopes of serving more people as school starts
and cooler weather draws near.
Student Adoption: The Voters at Christ also voted to
support a student directly rather than going through
the Financial Aid Office of the Seminary. The pastor
has the names of a number of students. If there are
students at either seminary who are known to you
personally and who you would like to see our
congregation support, please submit the name to the
pastor before the next voters' meeting
Upcoming Events
Circuit Meeting – Tues., 9/14 at Holy Cross, Scott City
KS LCMS Pastors Conference – 10/17-10/19 Junction City
The Spotlight + September 2010 +
Christ Lutheran Church - Elkhart, KS
Faith Lutheran Church – Hugoton, KS