Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
+++ Spotlight December 2010 +++
Advent Services 2010
Christ – Elkhart: Wednesdays at 7 pm.
Faith – Hugoton: Thursdays at 7 pm.
Divine Service – Sunday 9 am.
Faith Sunday School – Sunday 10:15 am.
Faith Confirmation 1 Class – After Christmas.
Faith Confirmation 2 Class – Thurs., 5:30.
Faith Advent Service, Midweek – Thurs., 7:00 pm.
December Volunteers at Faith:
Elder – Ray. Usher – Larry. Altar – Josh.
Sunday School – Sunday 10 am.
Divine Service – Sunday 11 am.
Christ Confirmation Class – 4:00 pm Sundays.
Christ Advent Service, Midweek – Wed., 7:00 pm.
December Birthdays
12/2 Adam & Susan Carey
12/4 Ramona Johnson
12/8 Anne Fincher
12/11 Eldon Bultman
12/12 Arden Nusser
12/18 Tammy Hardy
12/22 Tim Hardy
12/23 Bobbi Horton
12/26 Anna Dobie
12/29 Carol Wilson
December Baptisms
12/14 Anne Fincher
December Anniversaries
12/6 Adam & Susan Carey
12/27 Tom & Jody Wiggins
12/31 Tom & Rena Brewer
Christmas Eve Services: Faith at 7 pm, Christ at 9 pm. Sign up to participate in the readings on the set of sheets in the Narthex, and take a copy of the service for practice.
Christ Mass! The Lord's Supper will be offered in a brief, spoken service at Christ on Christmas Day at 9 am, and all are invited to attend.
Faith, Hugoton
Lutheran Witness Subscription has been invoiced,w which means it is time to submit payment to the church. If you are confused about how much you owe, please contact the pastor or treasurer, and they will be able to give you an amount to drop in the offering. Submit checks with “Lutheran Witness” on the memo line.
Heating Repairs represent an unexpected expense for this past month, but you have an opportunity to help! If you are interested in helping to cover the cost of repair, giving thanks all the while for warm fingers and noses, feel free to drop a little something in the container in the narthex.
Christ, Elkhart
Student Adoption: Christ is supporting Seminarist Samuel Wirgau in his last year of preparation for pastoral ministry. A letter from Sam is available in the narthex. Please keep Samuel, his wife DoRena and their daughter Sarena in your prayers during his fourth year of seminary.
Sunday Attendance
Nov 14: Faith – 14. Christ – 28.
Nov 21: Faith – 29. Christ – 25.
Nov 28: Faith – 33. Christ – 34.
Christmas Services 2010
Christmas Eve
Faith at 7 pm, Christ at 9 pm.
Christmas Day
Christ – Elkhart: 9 am.